Cutting videos is my second language. ​​​​​​​
From teaching materials to social media videos, OOH campaigns, and even giant screens like the ones at Shibuya Crossing!
One of the OOH campaigns I worked on involved videos displayed on multiple screens, including inside Yamanote Line trains. It was unique because we could use three monitors for the same video, which made the creative process exciting.
(I particularly loved the copy that my colleague came up with for the dog in this one.)
I’m also fond of this video, as it was a bit different from my usual work. Created for Koala’s pop-up store at Tsutaya in Futakotamagawa, the video aims to make viewers feel relaxed, as if they were in Australia, while showcasing products inspired by Australian landscapes.
One video I’m proud of is the Design Story brand video, which I edited and shot in collaboration with the product design team. I was responsible for visualizing the interview, selecting the set, planning B-rolls, and choosing additional video materials. A short preview is below.
Design Storyブランドビデオの編集・撮影を担当したことを誇りに思っています。このプロジェクトは製品デザインチームと共同で進めました。インタビューの構成を視覚化し、セットの選定、Bロールの計画、追加のビデオ素材の選定を担当しました。短いプレビューは下記にあります。
Aside from resizing for social media most of the external brand campaign videos. At Koala, I occasionally collaborated on shooting and making videos for social media. 
Bonus content pictures of when I became Koko-chan and met the fluffiest dog ever, Canola-chan!
Video edition at ILL
At ILL, I edited thousands of videos, including the '20-Top Words' series with over 20 videos per language in 34 languages. The company's approach and the collaborative environment helped me grow from a beginner editor to a professional.
ILLでは、'20-Top Words'シリーズのような、1言語あたり20本以上、34言語に渡る数千本の動画を編集しました。会社のアプローチと協力的な環境のおかげで、初心者の編集者からプロフェッショナルへと成長することができました。
JapanesePod101 Video Ad, Role: Director                      JapanesePod101ビデオ広告 - 役割: 監督
Can Do Series, Role: Video Project Manager          役割: ビデオプロジェクトマネージャー
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