This short film is a great representation of the efforts of handmade crafts and depicts the life of a wood hanger maker in Japan. When I was approached to collaborate on the project, I was able to propose from 0 the style that could fit the film. with the help of the director and the team, I was able to understand the messaging better and proposed different options so the director was able to choose the best fit. 
For the title, we did an animated title that was inspired by the craft of carving the wood so we have it first appear like a block of rough wood until it appears carved and smoothen. 
In the endscreen, I proposed we depicted the life of the hanger maker just like in the movie with the idea to show that as the day goes on so does the hanger maker keep moving forward until the end.
Finished boards positioned in the canvas to have the camera ready move from one to another
Finished boards positioned in the canvas to have the camera ready move from one to another

Above are some slides of the work while it was in development and below are the finished designs. One of the challenging parts of this project was that for the credits the designs had to be done bigger than the actual canvas since we wanted to have a smooth camera pan between all of them.

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