Video editing is something I've always done I've edited teaching materials, interviews, explanation videos, social media videos, video ads for social media, OOH campaigns, videos for trains, taxi monitors, and even big screens like the ones in Shibuya Crossing.

I've mentioned the OOH campaigns, so let me share some of the ones I was able to capture with my phone. For the following one, I was excited to work on it as it utilized three monitors on one of the most famous train lines in Tokyo, the Yamanote Line.
Typically, when working with video, there's only one screen, so having the opportunity to brainstorm different ways to utilize multiple screens was exciting. (I particularly loved the copy that my colleague came up with for the dog in this one.)
通常、ビデオを作成する際には1つの画面しか使用しませんが、複数の画面を活用する異なる方法を考える機会を得られたことは本当に楽しかったです。(このキャンペーンにおける同僚の考えた犬のコピーが特に気に入っています: 「寝心地いいワン〜」)
I am also very fond of the following video I worked on, as it was different from the usual work I would do. This was designed to be part of the pop-up store environment Koala had Tsutaya in Futakotamagawa for a month. The goal of the video is to make you relax and feel as if you are in Australia while integrating some of the company products to show how they got inspired by Australian sceneries.
As for long video formats, another one that I edited and shot that I'm proud of is the Design Story brand video that we produced collaborating with the product design team.
I was in charge of visualizing how the interview would be materialized, by deciding what set we would use and planning what B-rolls we could take while selecting what other available video materials we could showcase.
Following is a short preview of the interview, you can watch the full video version in the Shootings section.
長尺のビデオ形式に関して、私が編集および撮影したもう1つの作品は、プロダクトデザインチームと協力して制作した「Design Story」ブランドビデオです。このビデオには誇りを持っています。
Aside from resizing for social media most of the external brand campaign videos. At Koala, I occasionally collaborated on shooting and making videos for social media.
Following, you can find a video I shot and edited starring Koko-chan, Koala's mascot. The challenge was to make sure the video story would make sense, so it was essential to have a clear introduction of the video setting the context, showing the problem, and finding a solution.
Next to it, there's a video explaining how to take care of bed linen. For this one, I was provided with the script and I had to create an engaging video. The challenge was to find the right stock or already-shot video footage to make sure the story made sense visually as well.
Now, a video I had the idea for where while the model jumps the bed frame gets assembled, showing how easy it is to do so. Matching the cuts was more complicated than I expected, but I enjoyed the result a lot.
And! Bonus content pictures of when I became Koko-chan myself and met the fluffiest dog ever, Canola-chan!

Video edition at ILL
To provide a more comprehensive perspective on the volume of videos I've worked on, one of the series I began editing upon joining ILL was the "20-Top Words" series. This series had over 20 videos per language, spanning across 34 different languages.
I won't lie if I say I've edited thousands of videos at ILL. Thanks to the method the company had to create series and set processes accompanied by an incredibly talented team, I was able to go from a video noob editor into a professional I am nowadays.
Following I'm showing just a handful of my favorite ones with a note on what roles I would take on per series.
First, here is a video advertisement that I collaborated on by directing it, location hunting, supporting the editing process, and providing feedback to the team:
私がILLに参加した際に編集を始めたシリーズの1つが、「20-Top Words」シリーズでした。このシリーズは1言語あたり20以上のビデオを含み、合計34の異なる言語にまたがっています。
Tricky Cat series:
- edition of the pilot video, setting editing style
- template development
- video project manager for a year ensuring deadlines and Q&A were moving smoothly
- パイロットビデオの編集、編集スタイルの設定
- テンプレートの開発
- ビデオプロジェクトマネージャーとして1年間、締切やQ&Aがスムーズに進むように確認
Can Do series:
- set wardrobe guidelines
- edition of videos
- template development
- video supervisor
- video project manager for 3 years leading a team of 6 editors ensuring deadlines and Q&A were moving smoothly.
Can Doシリーズ:
- 衣装ガイドラインを設定
- ビデオの編集
- テンプレートの開発
- ビデオ監督
- 3年間にわたるビデオプロジェクトマネージャーとして、6人の編集者チームを率いて、締切やQ&Aがスムーズに進むように確認。
Know Your Verb (Japanese Version):
- edition of videos
- template development
- design layout requester
Know Your Verb(日本語版):
- ビデオの編集
- テンプレートの開発
- デザインレイアウトの依頼者
At ILL I specialized more on motion graphics while at the same time I did video editing, but you can assume I was doing the edits as well of the videos shown on the Motion Graphics and Video Template section.