There's nothing that gives me more joy than matching cuts with music and having a smooth motion going along.
Motion Graphics at Koala
At Koala I had to work creating promotional videos for new product launches, among them the video that you'll find on the left was pleasant to make as I designed to loop when watched non-stop as a gif.
Next to it, there's the promotional video for it when the futon launched where I worked closely with the team on the storyboard ideation phase and fully did the video edition for it. Additionally, the first shoots with the model were also shot by me.
Following there are two other videos I worked on at Koala to promote their products.
One of the challenges we often faced was to convey the message clearly while showcasing the products in a limited time. Therefore, it was crucial to collaborate with the copyrighter to ensure the messaging was friendly and concise.
I was also creating promotional videos for sale campaigns for multiple platforms. Once I even completed a total of 100 video edits (among those a few A/B tests) in just a month. I was able to do that by organizing the projects and making templates in both Premiere and After Effects in a way that resizes were simplified, and repetitive actions reduced.
Here are a couple of sale videos I worked on:
複数のプラットフォーム向けのセールキャンペーンのための有料広告ビデオも制作していました。ある時は、1か月で合計100本のビデオ編集を達成しました(その中には数回のA/Bテストも含まれています)。それを実現するために、PremiereとAfter Effectsの両方でプロジェクトをキチンと編成し、リサイズが簡素化され、繰り返し作業が削減されるようなテンプレートを作成しました。
Video Templates
I enjoy figuring out how to make processes easier, and my inner nerd appears when creating templates and automating tasks. While I don't consider myself an expert in Javascript or scripting, I understand how useful they can be, so I try to use them when needed.
During my time at Innovative Language Learning, renowned for their e-learning sites such as and, I had the pleasure of creating After Effects templates for series such as Conversational Phrases or Can Do. In these templates, for example, I implemented automation using expressions in After Effects so that the bounding boxes would fit the text on speech bubbles proportionally. Once the series was approved, I adjusted the templates to ensure a smoother process when localizing a video into another language.
Have a sneak peek at how I would organize the AE templates:
語学習サイトであるJapanesePod101.comやEnglishClass101.comなどで知られるイノベーティブ・ランゲージ・ラーニングで働いていた時、Conversational PhrasesやCan Doなどのシリーズ向けにAfter Effectsのテンプレートを作成する喜びを味わいました。これらのテンプレートでは、After Effectsの式を使用して、吹き出しにテキストが適切に収まるように境界ボックスを比例して自動化しました。シリーズが承認された後、ビデオを別の言語にローカライズする際のプロセスをスムーズにするために、テンプレートも調整しました。

Following I'm showing a handful of my favorite ones that I worked at ILL with a note on what roles I took on per series.
Conversational Phrases:
- edition of videos & motion graphics
- template development
- video project manager for 3 years leading a team of 3 editors ensuring deadlines and Q&A were moving smoothly.
Conversational Phrases:
- ビデオの編集とモーショングラフィクス
- テンプレートの開発
- 3年間にわたるビデオプロジェクトマネージャーとして、3人の編集者チームを率いて、締切やQ&Aがスムーズに進むように確認
Introduction to Thai & Ask a Hebrew Teacher
- motion graphics from templated series
- fixing issues for other languages under the same series
Introduction to Thai & Ask a Hebrew Teacher
- テンプレートからのモーショングラフィックス
- 同じシリーズ内の他の言語のための臨時の支援
- テンプレートからのモーショングラフィックス
- 同じシリーズ内の他の言語のための臨時の支援
Japanese Particles
- edition of videos & motion graphics
- template development
- video project manager for 1.5 years leading a team of 3 editors ensuring deadlines and Q&A were moving smoothly.
Japanese Particles
- ビデオおよびモーショングラフィックスの編集
- テンプレートの開発
- 1.5年間のビデオプロジェクトマネージャーとして、3人の編集者チームを率いて、締切やQ&Aがスムーズに進むように確認
Japanese On Location & Listening/Reading Series
- Motion Graphics
- Occasionally video editing
Japanese On Location & Listening/Reading Series
- モーショングラフィックス
- 臨時にビデオ編集
If you want to see more videos I've edited during my career I recommend you to check the Video Edition page. To see a quick example of my color grading skills head to the Color Grading section.