At ILL I've supervised a handful of the videos shown on the video edition section, as well as supervised and prepared the setup for the weekly Japanese live streams for a year.
Here are some of the videos I've shot at Koala, following some quick takes we took while the main photo shooting was happening for the futon.
ILL では、ビデオ編集セクションで表示されるいくつかのビデオを監督し、また 1 年間毎週行われる日本のライブ ストリームを監督し、セットアップを準備してきました。
Urban Bed Frame assembly video fully shoot by me:
For this one, we had to empty the whole Koala shop, change the flooring, and set the lighting.
私が完全に撮影したUrban Bed Frameの組み立てビデオです。このために、私たちはKoalaショップ全体を空にし、床を変え、照明を設置する必要がありました。
An interview that was shot together with the art director at Koala:
Following, you can find a video I shot and edited starring Koko-chan, Koala's mascot. The challenge was to make sure the video story would make sense, so it was essential to have a clear introduction of the video setting the context, showing the problem, and finding a solution.
And another one from the futon shoot with Koko-chan.

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