I enjoy exploring styles and illustration techniques, thinking about what elements can be animated, and how to create interesting compositions.
Re-brand (Student Project for School of Motion)
Following you can see the two final illustrations and designs I developed for a report that wanted to showcase the importance of putting limits on binge-watching shows.

Camp Yowzers (Student Project for School of Motion)
Final Illustration project for SOM where I explored character design and used a complementary color palette, developing an ad invitation for camp adventurers interested in extreme and incredible activities.
School of Motion(SOM)の最終イラストレーションプロジェクトでは、キャラクターデザインを探求し、補色パレットを使用して、極限で信じられないような活動に興味を持つキャンプ冒険家向けの広告招待を開発しました。

Koko-chan & Friends (Koala)
Here is a collaborative edit, that my colleague started where I joined later on to create the two following illustrations and finish the edit.

Kitsune Peripherals Storyboard Ad (Student Project)
Here's a fictional project I did at Ilustra, a 1-year illustration course I took, where I was in charge of illustrating the storyboard of an ad for a computer peripherals brand.

Illustration Gallery